Our Mission

New Beginnings at Circle T Ranch is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed with a mission to improve the quality of life for people who struggle from PTSD, depression, addiction, and other psychological conditions. Participants of our program interact with horses in a safe, peaceful environment in ways that can help reduce stress, teach productive coping mechanisms, and facilitate solutions to real-life struggles. Participants will work with a certified Equine Specialist to guide you through a safe, positive experience with our horses.


The Horse Is The Key!

Horses have a unique way of making humans feel peaceful and calm. Their herd animal characteristics enable them to be:

  • Non-judgmental

  • Unbiased

  • Sensitive

  • Perceptive


The Connection

There is significant evidence of horses having a calming and healing effect on humans.  Research suggests that activities and therapies involving interactions with horses can reduce symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and many other psychological conditions.  Interactions with horses can improve the quality of life for people who are struggling. Our program aims to provide equine-therapeutic interventions to heal trauma, provide wellness, and provide positive coping strategies.


A minute to speak out for those who struggle to have a voice. A population that is bigger than the public recognizes.  I haven’t posted about PTSD or anxiety in a very long time.  Today, my heart was stirred to.  When I struggled with PTSD and anxiety, I did not have anyone advocating for me.  My family and close friends that walked with me through some very hard years had no knowledge of PTSD or education on anxiety, but they were very patient and loving.  I don’t know why and how I made it to the other end of it, as I am writing right now, overcoming both, but it was only be by the grace of God, so God must have a reason.

 To those who struggle to have a voice, that feel the confusion, that isolate, that are weighed down by trauma triggers, panic attacks, that cannot get past the wall in their mind keeping them from forming thoughts point A to point B, PLEASE reach out to me.  I will advocate for you.  I will help you.  You are not alone in this.  I HAVE BEEN THERE. There are so many ways to work through it, heal, and overcome.

 This was stirred in my heart when I was walking around at Circle T Ranch this morning.  Thank you Denise Taylor for letting us come pet the horses!  They offer such a beautiful thing in animal therapy out there.  

 I reflect on when I struggled immensely with trauma triggers, if I would’ve had help with animal therapy, my healing and overcoming would’ve been a lot faster and easier. So please. Reach out to me if you feel alone in your PTSD and anxiety.  I will advocate for you and direct you to helpful tools to overcoming and living your life.


"Horses lend us the wings we lack."

- Pam Brown